Frequently Asked Questions

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It takes between 5-7 months to acquire the skills necessary to land your first job as a DBA/Systems DBA Engineer.

The DBA career is in very high demand right now and will continue to grow into the future. It is expected to grow by 22% over the next 10 Years. The reason is that all companies have data and this data needs to be properly managed by somebody.

Since Covid-19 the industry is moving more and more towards remote work.

The hours are typically 9-5. There are of course some companies which expect you to work outside those hours when required.

We have Successfully placed 6 Candidates and counting so far.

We have successfully placed everyone who has remained in the program. The few Clients who have dropped out were because they were not willing to put in the time commitment and do the work it takes to be successful. We make sure to let all of our Candidates now know that they must be able to put in at least 20-25 Hours a week of Training to be successful in this program.

In the Agreement we state that we will keep training you until you receive employment as an IT Professional in a Data Related Field.

TechPrepare provides real world training very similar to what you will be doing once you get your first job. We assist you with every step of the interview process We help you update your Resume so it properly reflects your new skills and experience

It Varies but usually never more than 10 clients in one Course. We do 3 Hours a Week of Virtual meeting Instruction So that is 1 Hour three times per week We work with our Clients with Slack and in AZURE and on an automated Custom Calendar for your reminders and training tasks

We have some testimonials on our Website but we can provide you references so you can follow up.

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